A church with a heart for the Bay Area and beyond

Prayer, worship and the Bible (all of it) are the foundations of City Life Church. We are Christ-focused and dependent on the presence of God in everything we do! For us, church isn’t a place we go to, or a service we attend, it’s who we are 24/7.

We lead people to become fully alive in Jesus.

When it comes to the major issues of life, God provides clear answers and direction through the Bible. Check out an overview of our values and beliefs at City Life Church.

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously and He will give you everything you need."

Our Lead Pastors

Jonathan & Elana Wilkins

Jonathan & Elana met at Portland Bible College and were married in 1996. Together they served for 16+ years at Harvest Church in Concord, CA as Youth Pastors and Associate Pastors. Pastor Jonathan is an anointed prophetic voice to this generation. He & Elana are committed to building the local church and have had the privilege of ministering throughout the U.S. and in many countries around the world. They have 4 beautiful children: Erika, Julianna, Jaden & Ethan.

Our Leadership

Associate Pastors
Marquez & Catherine Gray
Executive Pastor
Isaac Stokes
Youth Pastors
David & Erin Wilkins
Online Campus Pastor
Lamia Chlala
Worship Pastor
Chelsea Haller
East Bay Campus Pastors
Jony & Maria Volk