We refuse to just talk about reaching the people in our cities and communities – we are going to BE ABOUT IT!
10 years ago God called us to plant a life-giving church in the heart of San Francisco. With very little resources, a small church planting team, and a whole lot of faith based on a clear word from God, we started City Life Church. God miraculously joined us with Pastor Marquez, a native of San Francisco with a heart for the city. Our churches joined as one to dream about seeing San Francisco and the SF Bay Area reached for Christ. From our location on 6th street to our current SF campus on Bayshore Blvd., over and over again we have seen the miraculous provision and favor of God on our efforts to BE ABOUT IT. Our commitment has never been to church buildings, but to simply BE ABOUT the mission of Jesus by loving, reaching, and serving people in our city and communities. We now stand at another miraculous opportunity to put down roots in SF by funding the purchase of our Bayshore campus, and to launch our East Bay Campus. Wherever we go, we are committed to BE ABOUT IT. Will you join us on this exciting life-giving journey?
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us…” Ephesians 3:20
As a step of faith and a result of God’s miraculous provision. God has allowed City Life the opportunity to purchase our Bayshore Campus. As a result, our goal is to fund the purchase of this campus as a sign of our commitment and rootedness to BE ABOUT IT in the city we love.
From the East Bay to SF and now back to the East Bay, God has provided a beautiful campus for City Life to BE ABOUT IT in the East Bay. This portion of our campaign will help fund the lease and first year launch costs needed to successfully establish our new campus in the East Bay!
God has opened doors for our church to establish key partnerships while loving and serving the people in our city. In addition, our youth ministry is expanding as students lead on campus Bible Clubs in SF public schools. We want to fund more outreaches, more Bible Clubs, more church plants, more missions and to sustains our ministries over the next 2 years.
Our goal is for every person who calls The Gathering home to engage in BE ABOUT IT, and, as they do so, to experience their own personal personal transformation as they discover and take steps to grow in their ability to be generous. Whether you’re a first-time giver, an occasional giver, a committed giver, or even an extravagant giver, God has steps He’s calling you to take in this season. If 100% of the City Life family fully engaged, we believe God will provide every resource we need to accelerate the vision and see so much more of our region transformed.
Our secondary goal is that we would trust God as He leads us to make bold, risk-taking commitments, and experience the most generous giving we’ve ever known. Together, let’s give the funds to accomplish BE ABOUT IT!
During this initiative, we’re inviting every person in our church family to participate in a totally new, unified way of giving, called One Fund. This means ALL of our giving goes to ONE fund that will resource current ministries, missions, and savings for the next two years, while also resourcing our 3 key BE ABOUT IT priorities for our church family, our city, and region. So even if this is the first time you’ve given, you can celebrate being a part of the faith journey God is calling us all to as a church!
Pray that God would multiply our efforts to make disciples and honor Jesus. Pray that He would accelerate the vision and bring about so much MORE than we could ask or imagine.
Help us reach our goal of 100% engagement for BE ABOUT IT. Stand side by side with your City Life family, encourage others, and commit to do what God asks.
Attend every Sunday from October 8 through December 3rd. Engage in the BE ABOUT IT study with your Life Group. Discover all you can about God’s heart and will for you and your resources.
Ask God to show you what it looks like to give in a way that changes you. Take whatever steps are necessary to see it though.
Where are you on your giving journey? Where is God calling you to be? Using the chart below, would you prayerfully take a powerful next step and make a bold two-year commitment to BE ABOUT IT.
Our goal is for every person who calls City Life Church home to engage in BE ABOUT IT, and, as they do so, to experience their own personal transformation as they discover and take steps to grow in their ability to be generous. Whether you’re a first-time giver, an occasional giver, a committed giver, or even an extravagant giver, God has steps He’s calling you to take in this season. If 100% of the City Life family is fully engaged, we believe God will provide every resource we need to accelerate the vision and see so much more of our region transformed.
Generosity is our response. God has blessed us so that we might be a blessing to others. Give online using your credit or debit card, or by electronic check. You can also schedule recurring gifts, change the schedule or amount of future gifts, and review your online giving history.
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